Timber look tiles continue to be all the rage for many home renovators looking for a more cost effective and eco-friendly alternative to wooden flooring. With advancements in technology, ceramic wood tiles do a pretty flawless job these days at mimicking the real deal. Still, there are some that aren’t convinced.
Have you been tossing up the idea of timber look tiles but you’re on the fence? Let’s put any misinformation floating out there to rest and bust these myths head on!

Myth #1: Timber tiles look fake
Glazed porcelain wooden floors have come a long way over the years, and although they aren’t the real deal, if installed properly it’s hard to tell the difference. The key thing here is paying attention to your grout lines. For timber look tiles to look as authentic as natural wooden floors, you should choose timber tiles with rectified edges. This ensures the tiles can be laid as close together as possible (around 1mm) with minimal grout required.
Myth #2: Wood look tiles are hard to maintain
Far from it. Are you forgetting timber look tiles are actually porcelain tiles? This means they are extremely easy to clean. And, unlike its authentic wooden counterpart that don’t do so well when the surface comes into contact with spills, wood look tiles require very little maintenance to retain longevity.
Myth #3: Timber look tiles can’t handle constant foot traffic
Again, being a glazed tile (remembering this doesn’t always mean glossy) they are actually highly durable and scratch resistant. You’ll be perfectly fine walking around in heels on a wooden ceramic floor, but the same can’t be said for real wooden flooring.
Myth #4: Timber look tile floors are too cold
Tiles do have the reputation of being colder than other types of flooring and not absorbing as much heat (which is perfectly ideal in summer). But there are other factors that can contribute to this, such as how much natural sunlight generates heat within your home. And, there’s nothing a few floor rugs or runners can’t fix especially when the product underneath won’t fade!

Myth #5: Timber look tile planks will warp over time
The tile planks will not warp over time. There is however the lippage (when one tile is higher than another resulting in an uneven surface) to consider. All tiles can be subject to a variation in flatness due to the manufacturing process. This is why it is not suggested to half off set or brick bond any rectified tile over 200mm in length. However the way to get around this is the thirds rule or stagger lay the timber tile with no more than a 33% overlap at any time. This allows for any curve that may be in the tile to be absorbed in the lay pattern instead of creating an unwanted uneven surface. Sound too complex for you? We recommend leaving the installation to an expert tiler while you take on a different DIY project in the house.
Perth’s timber look tile specialists
Be inspired by our extensive range of quality timber look tiles. Browse our collection and photo gallery or visit our Myaree or Wangara showrooms to view the full range on display.