Inkjet technology has truly transformed the potential of ceramic and porcelain tiles. When applied to ceramic and porcelain tiles, inkjet technology has allowed for some very unique and innovative products to emerge.
Through Inkjet technology, manufacturers are not only focusing on the challenge of replicating realistic reproductions of existing surface materials (wood, stone or brick), but are also immersing themselves in the opportunity to print out different textures. The reproduction of these different materials and textures is uncanny, offering a more affordable option for high quality materials.
How inkjet technology works
Inject technology works similarly to a printer, digitally printing liquid onto a material to create patterns and images. However, where inkjet technology differs is how advanced the printing equipment is, allowing for the ability to replicate exact images as well as textures that can be felt by the hand. Where your printer is clearly producing images with ink, it’s next to impossible to differentiate inkjet’s printing from the real material.
Digital printing
Many customers are surprised to learn that inkjet technology doesn’t actually touch the ceramic tile! All printing is done digitally, printing high resolution patterns and designs to imitate your chosen texture (marble, granite, limestone, wood etc.)
The inkjet technology works by using the heads/dispensers (6 main heads, 3 additional for detailing) each of which have millions of pixels distributing the specialty ink over the ceramic tile. Controlled by a computer, tiles are digitally printed with high-resolution 3 dimensional materials.
The options – endless!
Inkjet printers can utilise 8 or more colours, allowing for a great range of shades and tones to be printed on the tiles. Amazing detail, contrast and variations – the options are truly endless with inkjet technology.
Inkjet technology revolutionizes the way designers can manipulate images, opening up immense choice with styles. Renovators, interior designers and home developers now have the freedom to create hundreds of different visuals by merging or mixing several images. You can produce anything from concrete looking tiles, stone, marble, brick and even textiles. The challenge will be deciding on which style you’re after!
Have you always wanted timber-look tiles in your bathroom but don’t want to deal with the maintenance involved? Well, now you can!
Inkjet technology offers the best of both worlds, aesthetically matching your ideal visuals yet, also maintaining the ceramic and porcelain tile canvas allowing for little maintenance. Now you can obtain stunning aesthetics in any room of your house without having to think about the extra maintenance involved with other materials.

If you’re renovating or building your home, it can be quite the challenge sticking within budget. It only takes one meeting with the builder to realise you’ve exceeded costs in areas you weren’t anticipating. Here’s where inkjet technology always surprises and delights customers. Maintaining impressive quality yet also being cheaper than harder natural stones or wood, inkjet technology is a no-brainer for many designers.
Plus, with inkjet technology, you don’t need to be worried about the long wait times that timber and natural stones are currently facing.
Inkjet technology, the future!
Ceramic tiling has been re-defined with inkjet technology. High quality, affordable, endless styles and available now! See more information on our Inkjet technology here or, give us a call or email to talk with our team.